I went to school in a town with 2 Universities and at least 1 College.
One of the universities was known as 'the high school down the street'.
I don't believe the college was even thought about.
Simularly, different programs in the university I went to had harder/easier entrance requirements. The easier faculties where made fun of. Of course, the harder faculties where also made fun of. =)
I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people where below average (mean) intelligence by many measures -- only median intelligence has half above and half below by definition.
Even there, one cannot ignore measurement errors. If intelligence is such that there is unavoidable bias in measuring it, then there could be an entire bunch of people who are unorderable intelligence-wise. The best you might be able to say is "there is a 95% chance that you are smarter than 40% of the population, and 95% chance you are dumber than 40% of the population".
Oh btw:
I'm a university student. I was just in a PolSt class in which the ppl in the class continually said that the public is stupid, uneducated, uniformed and that is the reason why they did not vote
Which "they" whose lack of voting is being explained: the people in the class or the public?