Chocolate Bar: apparently American's call them candy bars
Homo milk: whole or homogonized milk... (Hey 2%! (when person turns around) Not you homo.)
Loonie and Toonie: our one dollar and two dollar coins respectively
Two Four: a 24 case of beer
Tims or Timmy's: pet names for Tim Horton's, a famous and ubiquitous Doughnut shop chain
Pogey: Unemployment insurance. When I told my father I wanted to be an artist he said, "Why? So you can draw a pogey."
Newfie: Somone from the province of Newfoundland
The Big Smoke, Hogtown, T.O., t-Dot: Toronto
Cowtown: Calgary
Winterpeg, The 'Peg: Winnipeg
The Rock: Newfoundland
The Soo: Sault Saint Marie (pronounced Sue Saint Marie)
Chesterfield: couch or a sofa
Touque: a hat to keep your noggin' warm in the winter
Serviette: a napkin
Crappy Tire: another name for the chain of stores called Canadian Tire
hydro: electriciy... i.e. The hydro bill came in.
May Two Four: The Victoria Day long weekend (May 24th)
We say Zed not Zee
Lieutenant (pronounced lef-tenant - the proper way)
Vase ("voz", not "vayse")
Cheque (not check)
Grey (not gray)
Doughnut (not donut)
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke