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Old 03-04-2005, 04:07 AM   #29 (permalink)
bad jane
oh i have heard some really bad baby names.

how bout, tazmen? like that? let's pair it with...oh...i dunno, heeks? wtf were they thinking?

or the lovely mr. and mrs. fluker (rhymes with fucker) who wanted to name their child after grandpa. boy name? ivan fluker. girl name? ivanna fluker. you'd think with a last name like fluker they'd have some sympathy for their poor child. the only good thing i could say about these people is they had a boy.

my sister met some cute twin boys they had great names! lemonjello (le-mon-ja-lo) and orangejello (or-awn-ja-lo).

but my favorite was a couple who were having a little girl. nurse walks in and asks if they've decided on a name yet, know what they picked out? placenta. isn't that beautiful? nothing like naming your child afterbirth. thankfully the nurse told a nice quick lie and let them know in the state of pa it is illegal to name your child after a body part--while it was a beautiful name, they'd have to choose something else. you will never believe what they came up with! give up? jane.

i understand parents wanting something unique. noone wants to have the same name as everyone else. i just wish some of them would remember that their child will not be a cute little baby forever and they are the ones who have to live with their names.

as for odd spellings--i've learned it doesn't matter how normal the name is, people are so used to the "unique" names and spellings people are handing out to their kids they won't get it right anyway.

and to whoever posted the bad baby name website--LOVED IT!
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