Originally Posted by DDDDave
Causing great bodily harm, which is defined as near life threatening injuries (which the guy did not have) is a felony. Usually the standard for GBH is disfigurement. He didn't have a weapon. He tried to lift the guy up to hit him, but he didn't stomp his face into the ground.
The above quote from DDDDave is
exactly why I don't understand, agree with, or like cops. I mean no offense, but I can't help but feel a bit shocked and annoyed at the fragment of the post above. So many police officers seem so wrapped up in what gives them a paycheck that they forget what it's like to be a regular person on the streets...You, DDDDave, seem to have forgotten and you're only
married to the law. Also, are you suffering from the same issues that the other members of TFP seem to be, which is the inability to read further than the first or second line??
The victim suffered a eye-socket damage
and a concussion,
as well as other injuries. He
was minding his own business until the lady began to run her mouth, to which any person would have gotten annoyed, naturally. For the boyfriend to step in and proceed to beat him is WRONG. The victim never once raised a hand to either of those people, NOR did he even try to protect himself - which is a good tell-tale sign that he was taken off-guard by the attack.
Whether or not the attacker punched the victim like a real man, slapped him like a pansy, lifted him up and hit him or stomp on him with his boot is immaterial...the fact that the victim was hit, how many times and where on his body, and that he hadn't done anything that really warranted an attack that serious in harm-
really does matter.