I think the Bible is an amazing book, not for the religious content, but for the social applications, and for its amazing stories. And I'm sure that everyone has heard exactly that a million times.
George Orwell - 1984 is also an amazing, amazing book. So are many of the other 'classic' utopian fictions, like Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, and that other one I can't remember the name of (damnit!). Of the three 1984 impacted me the most, I think it was brilliant.
I see American Gods on this list, and that makes me happy, I enjoyed that book a lot.
Also, the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a really good book about struggles in Christianity and temptation. It's humourous, too! If you're able to read that book without taking it in a strictly religious context, I think it was ana amazing read, and can show everyone at least half a dozen ways to improve their character and their outlook on life without ever touching religion.