I said it last time, and ill say it again
People who make pet peeve lists
Originally posted by Quadraton
4) People who don’t think their software piracy is actually stealing. Pirate if you must, just don’t tell me what you’re doing isn’t stealing.
Actually, this is a bit difficult to classify as stealing in my books, based on my current circumstances anyway. I earn enough money to pay the rent/bills, and i have a little bit extra for food/going out once in a while. If i had to pay for my software, I would be flat broke very very fast. And, given the ultimatum between paying for software and not having software, id pick not having software.
If i didnt have software at home, i could use the uni computers to do what i wanted, so its no real biggie, and im not costing the company potential money by not buying it. Additionally, when I "pirate" software, I am not denying someone else the ability to go and buy it, so it doesnt really constitute as piracy either.