Fatal Flaw in "No Child Left Behind Act"
All you guys on the left need to sit down and catch your breath. Yes it is me, nobody has hijacked my computer, and I am speaking out against NCLB.
Background: Out of concern for the quality of education my daughter was receiving, we took every last penny we had and moved to an affluent neighborhood with an excellent school district (the best in the state of Colorado actually). The difference in the education she is receiving now, compared with what she was getting, is tremendous. Curriculum requirements for her new school are way ahead of the requirements from her old district. She is doing tremendous now, every day I am amazed at how much she has learned--it makes the financial burden well worth while.
On to my point....
So I get a letter from the school district today regarding NCLB.
The school cannot reach the 100% proficiency required in reading and math, and they are now going through a "Program Improvement" process to help the district meet the needs set forth by the NCLB act.
Because they lump the regular kids in with the special needs kids (my daughter is special needs) in their assessment tests.
I may not be a rocket scientist, but I know better than to compare a kid in normal enrollment with a kid in special education. Guess what? The reason the school district didn't meet requirements? The kids in special ed. couldn't test as high as the other kids and threw off the curve.
Y'all know my support of the President. But this is his baby and this little part of the act is just dumb. I would really like a word with the "scholars" and "advisors" who helped add this little nugget of wisdom into the act.
This has actually inspired me to become even more involved in my daughter's school and to help the district correct this flaw in NCLB.
There are a lot of aspects of NCLB that I like....this is not one of them
Before you criticize someone, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry at you.......you're a mile away.......and they're barefoot.