Originally Posted by zhevek
It hasn't rained here in Oregon in almost a month, other than a very few showers. Oregon, mind you... in the winter. California is getting more than double it's normal rain.
Freak weather will continue to get weirder and stronger as the atmosphere is more fucked up.
I too have noticed strange weather patterns for the past several years. I lived in coastal North Carolina for four years. My mom told me it never snowed there...lo and behold, it snowed there every year I was there, one year an absolute blizzard. It has rained several times here in Utah this winter....it NEVER rains here in winter. In all the many years I've lived here I've never seen rain in winter, just sleet or snow. I really have no idea if this can be contributed to global warming or it's simply a cyclic earth thing. Even if all of the pollutants released into the air don't have an effect on the earth's temperature, it still has its effects on its inhabitants. Often times in the winter we get an inversion here in Salt Lake valley, and during those times I get congestion, cough, fatigue, and headaches. That needs to be taken into consideration.