In elementary school, the whole class got detention once 'cos somebody(s) had been doing pranks on a boy that was a bit retarded and teacher couldn't figure who so she punished the whole class. I remember how I watched him from the window when he crossed the yard. In the next class room kids were singing the same song we had rehearsed an hour ago and I grinned for hearing that song. Teacher saw that and somehow figured I had done something to that boy or something, and I got 30 mins extra solo standing. Talk about justice being blind.. Actually I had always tried to stand up to that boy with my friends, even when he had laughed at us and said we looked like idiots when we met him after school while we were learning to skate with inline rollerblades and had huge helmets on.
In high school, I was once smoking outside school's back gate after the bell had rang with my then-bf and his friend. The school was a posh one and situated in down town so a policeman walked by and came to talk to us. He started preaching at us how we are underage and all and we didn't even put out the cigarettes. "I think it's not a big enough issue to trouble your principal with, but I might want to talk to your haed of students' association." Well... My bf WAS the head of students' association. His friend was the secretary. So.. We talked the cop around to leaving it at that after we promised not to smoke (where peopel pass by and see us).
This ex was raised an atheist as his mom (a dean of humanities department in university) & dad (sculptor/painter) are atheists. His elementary school teacher really liked and looked up to his mom, but didn't realize what went on when little-Rauli says in the classroom that "Jesus is like adult's Santa Clause!" The boy had never heard about Jesus at home, so when he went to school he didn't understand what religion classes were about and asked his mom and then parroted mom's answer back at the teacher. The teacher got real angry, dragged him to principal's office and called his mother who laughed tears in her eyes straight at 'em.