Originally Posted by daswig
When the organization is one of a spiritual or religious nature, then the people involved with working for that organization should embody the nature of that organization. Otherwise, the fundamental underpinnings of that organization are in jeopardy.
Absolute nonsense.
While they may be working in positions not having to do with the establishment of the organizations religious beliefs, they should still be expected to embody the ideals as much as possible.
And specificity of religion is supposed to guarantee that? It doesn't. Nor does divergent religion guarantee its preclusion.
This is why ugly men can't get a job as a "Hooters Girl" waitress. Religious identity is FUNDAMENTAL to a religious organization, regardless of what part of the organization the employee is in.
A Hooters Girl waitress is in direct contact with the clientele of the organization. The Hooters accountant doesn't need to have 36 DD breasts and a perky attitude. You are demonstrating my point for me, thank you.