Rejection is hard to take, especially as a woman, I think. My guess is that if you approach him, he would probably LOVE it for you to be forward and assertive. Most men go crazy for that stuff. I have serious doubts that he would think of it as silly.
I'm not good at initiating either, but for a different reason. I find that I have a problem with verbal communication when it comes to intimacy. I prefer visual and touch signals, but my husband disagrees. He likes for me to ask for what I want and tell him what to do, etc., I find that to be a total turn off.
I guess I have this idea that sex is supposed to be this mind connection and if you are both on the same wave length, you don't need words. I know he isn't a mind reader, but I really don't like the feeling of words during intimacy. They feel so overt and obvious, like you don't have to be engaged in the moment to understand what the other person wants. I much prefer sex when there is no talking.
But, back to you, yeah...totally go at him once and see how he likes it. You are attracted to him and if you feel secure in the relationship, you shouldn't feel sheepish about trying the assertive route at least once. If he is that receptive, you may find that you REALLY love it.
Let us know how it goes and best of luck!