I am intolerant about overweight girls. It's just who I am. I'm a skinny guy, and I like how skinny girls look. I'm not the only one who finds skinny girls attractive either. A large portion of society views obesity as an undesirable trait. It's also one that is immediately apparant during first impressions. It's a trait I can weed out easily and quickly when looking for a significant other. Since it is an immediate and visual characteristic, it's often used to describe someone. "the fat chick". Other traits, like ambition, honesty, moral strength, caring, or empathy, are harder to uncover and they take time.
People that discriminate based on physical characteristics are often stereotyped as "shallow". But we all do so to different degrees. We have an ideal physical image of the perfect girl (or guy) in our minds. The closer they are to that ideal, the more attractive they are to us. We go after the ideal. Why would you talk to the overweight girl, hoping her personality is good (this is for those who find obesity unattractive. If you like the cushin, by all means, go for it) when the skinny girl you're attracted to is sitting just across from her, and has the same/better chance of having a great personality as well?
And you know what? You could be the most fantastic person in the world, and if I talked to you it would be quickly apparant that your wonderful personality shines like a beacon of awesomeness. We could be GREAT friends, and I wouldn't even care in the least bit about your weight. But. I still wouldn't find you physically attractive, and we would never have more than a friendship. That's just who I am, and it would be stupid to fake interest because i'm worried about what other people may think of me.
In general terms however, while I see obesity as a negative trait, there are SO many things more important about a person than their weight. It's a drop in the pond. The only real importance that weight has on how I judge a person is what it might imply about their character- the lazy, self-indulgent stereotype. Which you can usually figure out the veractiy of in 5 minutes of chat. Which really does nothing for the first impression, but if you're a good person, i'll forget all about it.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim