Originally Posted by Galt
How does a national health care service that is funded by confiscating the property of citizens match up against the basic standards of a free nation?
I won't be glib and simply mention that, of course, you have a Milton Friedman (free markets! free markets! free markets!) quote as your signiture.
Taxes are a reality. It is not "class warfare" or anything like that. It is a realistic payment by citizens for the operation of a working government. In addition, progressive taxes are not the devil; in fact, they are inherently more fair and less burdensome on those who can afford taxes least. To be fair, you didn't mention any of these above things, I'm just anticipating.
Many European countries and Canada have exceedingly comparable standards of health care to the U.S., yet pay signficantly less than we do for it. A societal good. I apologize for being unable to find it now, but the
Washington Monthly had an amazingly well-written, detailed article on why the government achieves greater results with better efficiency in VA Hospitals. I believe it was in their January edition.