Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
You doubt he would've gotten time? Notice how he got convicted of "felonious assault" and not misdamenor battery or something weak like that. The white guy might've been stupid for not better helping his own situation, but he did nothing to provoke those animals, and legally speaking calling someone a racial slur isn't adaquate grounds for provocation. The guy would have for sure done time in jail, not just because of his past record, I think the fact that there was a videotape helped a lot in sentencing, wish it could've done more.
Ok i was wrong that he would have got minimal time with a clean record, I still think 4 years is too much.
The way i see the video, He didn't back down from the confratation, he was in her face just as much as she was in his..And that big fucker didn't like it.
I am under the assumption that she cut in front of him and he said something that pissed her off, But then some previous posters have said he said nothing, Including yourself. I find it hard to believe that he's standing there and she comes up and smacks him in the back of the head for no reason, Even before she smacks his head she's freaking on the manager pointing in the victims direction, So i'm thinking something was said or done that really pissed her off & obviously the big guy too.
Scarpino suffered a broken eye socket and nose, a concussion and a chipped tooth in the beating.
From what i can find those are the injury's he suffered, I wouldn't call those injuries life threatening..The busted eye socket & concussion are worst injuries. If that big guy wanted to kill him, he would have & could have without a doubt. Nobody was stepping in, Nobody called the police, Everybody either ignored it or watched it. So he could have done more if he wanted, As soon as the victim hit the floor he let off of him.
I see a video where he had enough time to leave and avoid the situation way before that big guy even came into the picture (No Pun).
I'm not defending anybody, i'm just tellin how i see it.