My sleep habits are completely erratic... my natural clock would love for me to go to sleep at 1-2am and then wake up at 10-11am, but unfortunately the real world's schedules don't accommodate my needs.

So I've always gone to bed when I feel sleepy (no earlier than midnight, usually 1am) and then woken up too early (anywhere from 4:30am, when I did sports in college, to 8-9am for my work)... and have never been on a regular schedule. Sometimes I feel like this does affect my moods and personality, either making me way too hyper or just mentally sluggish... but I've never been in a controlled environment where I actually slept decently for an extended period of time, so I don't know.
I worry sometimes because my dad says this sleep deprivation will hit me really hard, healthwise, 20-30 years from now (I'm currently 25). Has anyone else heard this?