LockJaw: That's kinda what I was thinking, too, Jin didn't understand that he was supposed to strong arm the guy because he was at the point just a decent, hard working guy. What I was asking was whether anyone else picked up on the real meaning before Sun's dad chewed out Jin. I was completely snowed.
It's getting close to the end of season one, and I'm getting nervous. Now that the show's been picked up for season two, I hope they aren't going to alter the show to drag out the mysteries. They've done a fantastic job so far of interweaving the various stories such that new revelations are constantly shedding light on old assumptions, but I get the feeling that this is because the show was concieved as a single season whole unit. If so, I'd much rather they didn't mess with the intended ending just to milk some more time out of the show. One great season with a top-notch ending would be better than a second mediocre season.
And I love Hurley also.