My responses have been phrased the way they have been for many reasons, I'm well aware of their out-landishness and absurdity, but I've been trying to make quite a few points in a very limited amount of wording, so as to not go into a 10 page essay on the extreme interference of government in this day and age (among other things). However, while my points may seem absurd they attempt to delve into many layers and levels of society/current or past societal "norms"/basic freedoms/the meaning of America/definition of liberty/the purpose of government and many other parts of my thought process on this (and other topics of some relation) that would, otherwise, be nearly impossible to put into words. To put forth a proper represention of my point of view, some sarcasm and pushing at nerves is often required. Afterall, we are talking about laws (force) and loss of freedoms. I take both of those subjects very seriously, and will defend my right to liberty in any form with extreme prejudice if required. However since this is a message board, and words can very easily be poo-pooed away with little thought, a little emotional involvement by the reader is often required to get a point to sink in.