Originally Posted by mojodragon
Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, starring
- Me as Rand
- Edward Norton as Mat
- ? as Perrin
- ? as Egwene
- Kirsten Dunst as Elayne
- ? as Nynaeve
- Sean Connery as Thom
- ? as Moraine
- The Rock as Lan
Can anyone help me fill in the blanks for the Wheel of Time chars?
First off, there is no way that Kirsten Dunst should play Elayne, mainly because I just don't find Dunst as attractive as Elayne is supposed to be, and Thom is supposed to be lanky, Connery is a little to hefty.
The Rock would make a good Lan.
I think they would need to do some open casting and find some new talent for this series, because there just aren't any current stars that pop into my head as being perfect for most of those roles.
But it would be a cool movie series.
I would like to see Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series put into movies.