This thread's got alot of attention. Thier's no doubt that this dude got sucker punched, He was lookin down at his cell, But if i had a big ass dude standing infront of me..Last thing i would be doing is looking down...Sorry, But when your being confronted and you look down..That's not a wise move.
Some of you think 4 years is not enough for this? I think 4 years is alittle much, People get thier asses beat everyday..Yes, even the same way this guy did. If everybody who kicked some ass got a sentence like this, I don't think we could build enough prisons to hold them.
It's wierd how the victim took the time to get in the womans face and then when the guy pulled her back and stepped up to the victim, He took his attention off of the big guy..Like i said, If i had somebody like that step to me that was obviously pissed..My full attention would be on any little movement his shoulders made.
It was a bad situation, If i was there i wouldn't do anything either unless i had something to smack the guy with.
I also noticed he only punched him when he was standing, when he fell to the ground he tried to get him back up then dropped him back to the floor..Believe it or not, That may have been something looked at in the court room.
I agree with dddave that the 4 year sentence most likely had to do with his past criminal record..If this guy had a clean record..I highly doubt he would have gotten any time..Or very minimal.
"To win any battle, you must fight as if you were already dead" -Musashi