I'm just posing another side to the story.
Everyone here has said 'Throw those fuckers in jail for the rest of their lives'. I am saying that is just not realistic, and not appropriate. How many others have said ' Shoot him dead on the spot' Really? I am glad none of you have guns.
The crime he committed was an assault. It was an ugly incident, no doubt. Question for all of you gun toters out there. You see a fight in the parking lot of your local Wal-Mart. Two yahoos are going at it and one guy is getting beat down. Do you pull out your gun and shoot dead the guy who is winning the fight? Why not? Who is right, who is wrong. What are they fighting about. What business is it of yours. Do you pull your gun and say 'Stop it or I'll shoot'. Yeah, right. That shit is for the movies. You do not pull your gun to threaten someone, you pull your gun to use it. The law everywhere in this country is your life must be in immediate danger to justify using deadly force. Want to keep a rifle on your nightstand, fine. Say a 20 y.o. black kid rings your doorbell at midnight and asks to use the phone. You open the door and the kid says give me all your money. Can you shoot him dead? No. Why didn't you just shut the door? Why did you open the door in the first place? Was your life in immediate danger. That is the standard that must be met. Most people are not aware of that and thankfully most of us will never be placed in that situation.
Ask any cop how often they pull their gun. Most will say they never have. Their life or someone else's must be in immediate danger. Two guys fighting in a pizza parlor does not fit that criteria.
Yes, I have gotten punched in the head. It is completely disorienting and it is difficult if not impossible to stand back up and fight. I am not arguing that. You're 'eyes' comment is appropriate too. If you are going to get up in the chicks face and argue with her you better be prepared to look her boyfriend in the eye when he arrives. If I think he might hit me, I'm not going to look away and give him the chance to blind side me. The guy was 28, 6'2 225. Not some scrawny little kid or feeble old man. Why didn't he just fall to the ground and stay there? He just kind of bends over and continues to get hit. Whatever happened to falling to the ground and covering up? I am not defending anyone's actions here. It's all monday morning quarterbacking now.
I think it leads to a very passionate discussion and makes everyone consider things that they deem unpleasant. But passionate discussion and considering different opinions is good for everyone