Got all of them except the American currency questions (I prefer my so called Monopoly money, thank you very much

), and for some stupid reason, I forgot black was a colour on the Campbell soup can (duh!).
However, I do have a beef with the water draining question. I'm assuming that this question is refering to the Coriolis Effect caused by the Earth's rotation, which is wrong. It's a <a href="" target="_blank">common misconception</a> that the Earth's rotation has any play on which direction water goes down the drain. It can easily go clockwise or counter-clockwise in either Hemisphere. As proof, I just watched my sink drain clockwise and my toilet drain counter-clockwise (you'll have to take my word on this one).
edit: I should have pointed out that the reason my toilet went counter-clockwise was because that was the direction the jets were pointing. That simply goes to show that there are other influences to consider when deteremining the direction of the drainage. Doesn't change the fact that it drained counter-clockwise.