Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Regardless, someone should not be fired for comments said outside of the workplace not applying to the workplace. I agree it is not a 1st amendment issue, but it is still discriminatory. A person should not have to worry about censoring themselves in public affairs out of fear of losing their job. Dissenting opinions shouldn't be punished.
I don't see why not. Every small business
owner sure has to watch what they do in public, since there are so many ways business can be driven away.
It's scary that the same NAMBLA comparison occured to me, but I'll use another:
Why should I, as a small business owner, be forced to continue the employment of a person who claimed the Pope is the Antichrist (there is a denomination that preaches this)? Such a practice in a heavily Catholic community could ruin my business.
I realize that in the opinion of many, it's the EMPLOYERS who are Antichrists, but they don't deserve to be run out of business by their employees.