Originally Posted by Lebell
This REALLY isn't a thread jack, but stories like this are why I conceal carry.
Once I get my own, I will be doing likewise.
This story dropped humanity another 2 pegs for me today. Seems to happen more and more often.
Originally Posted by Janey
towards what end? imagine using your concealed weapon, you draw on the guy who may or may not notice in the frenzy. so youshoot. who do you hit? asshole bully or victim? even if you got Mr. Pig-ass, do you see the matter ended there? What do you think your day in court would do for you? manslaughter or assault, and a civil suit.
In addition, everybody is saying that the innaction shown was typical of similar situations by by-standers. It may be the shock of disbelief. But whatever, I doubt that carrying concealed weapons will be the answer unless you are a trained professional. I bet that by the time most people would think to draw their weapons, the same time would have passed as when (how many... zero?) people pulled out their cell phone to summon help.
Just like being totally pro-gun cannot possibly work in every instance, so can being adamently anti-gun. I assume that your lack of understanding for the type of training a licenced concealed carrier undergoes, and the penalties for the actions carried out in such a circumstance, stems from your disrespect for the carriers themselves and a personal predilection for stating your own opinion rather than learning and understanding the facts.
Cellphones fall short of immeditely disarming or quelling the actions of an enraged or mentally ill person with a destructive path. While you're on your oh-so-important, just-as-effective-as-a-gun cellphone, that guy may be beaten to death, left to bleed to death, or be otherwise permanently/irreversibly injured by the assailant. The police will finally arrive, just in time to scrape what's left of the poor guy off the floor, and take a statement from you, the person who stood there with the mighty power of wireless communications- 'Cuz, wow, you saved the day.
Also: It's sad to know that there are so many ways to put down a person (even that size- size doesn't matter) and that no one there even gave it a try. I'd have punched that fucker in the throat, let him hit the floor like the 2-ton piece of shit he obviously is.