Of course African's would "die" for my lifestyle. I am part of the society that has effectively stolen from them. Who wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of profit
You still haven't addressed where the third world would be without the west. Better off? Worse off?
Originally Posted by Manx
Why you hold no hostility towards yourself and the society you excuse and promote, while your Caucasian brethren continue to rape and limit 3rd world countries (I'm assuming you're white, of course) is beyond me..
The irony!! You're white and I'm Latino (Mexican father/Cuban mother).
I'd take issue with this statement - the happy position that the west occupies at the moment is largely based on the huge wealth built up during the great Imperial days of Europe. Empires that were built on the back of exploiting distant regions for their human and natural resources.
It should be us thanking them, not the other way around.
No, the tech advances of the West precede the imperial age.