Originally Posted by martinguerre
What? If i would be honest, i would say that it would not matter. And i'm someone who is seriously considering adoption as part of my future as a parent.
I don't appriciate the way you said that at all.
It wasn't meant to be deragatory (sp?). You haven't adopted yet, but you are considering it. The fact is, at least 9 out of 10 white parents would not opt to adopt a black child when push comes to shove.
Proof? Look at all the foreign adoptions.Tons of them. Look at the interracial adoptions. They're virtually non exisitant. Now, for everyone to say on this board that it wouldn't matter to them and they would adopt a black child all the same is disingenous (sp? sorry).
Now given that, are the people who adopt foreign children racist? Of course not.