Well, that depends what you call a viable alternative. If they are training, those "bike lanes" off the road may not be safe...but I'm making assumptions about bike lanes I am unfamiliar with. But, in my experience, some of those bike causeways are twisty and meandering and unfit for 20mph or greater speeds (and cyclists are easily capable of those speeds)
I DO understand your gripe about the idiot bike riders, as I have the same gripe.
It was not my intention to attack you, but rather to bring the same concerns from a cyclist's perspective. Instead of calling in Darwin, I guess I'm just looking for a "they might be in the wrong, but I'm careful around them anyway," type attitude.
I have been hassled, yelled at, had things thrown at me, run off the road, dragged by a bus, threatened by a driver using her car as her weapon , threatened by the lazy police force (same bus incident), clipped by a car to fall on the one in front only to have the driver drive away, encroached upon in my lane...so maybe you can appreciate the animosity I feel on the subject.