Originally Posted by Charlatan
People are adopting Asian and Russian children because it is trendy. All you have to do is make adopting Black American babies trendy and the problem is solved.
I don't think racism is at the heart of this...
It seems "cool and hip" to go to the east and adopt a baby, almost like a status symbol. Not all the time, but sometimes.
I was among the lucky. I was a blond-haired, blue-eyed little baby boy when I was put up for adoption. Needless to say, I didn't stay on the market for very long.
In terms of the recent problems with mother's wanting their kids back.....I think closed adoptions (i.e. California) are the best bet. For the adoptee, it is tough, because it is virtually impossible to track our birth parents down when we are older, but the chances of a custody battle goes way down.
Personally, I wish adoption was chosen as an option over in-vitro or abortion. There are plenty of children out there that could use a good home. However, adoption within the states is not an inexpensive option.
Regardless of the intent behind the adoption, I support it. For many of these kids it allows for a life they would not have had the opportunity to live.
Originally Posted by Yakk
I wonder if a complete barrage of health tests on babies, before they are adopted, would be benefitial or detrimental in the long run?
No, it wouldn't help. The health of the baby is easy enough to tell, for the most part. It is the little problems that can creep up later in life that are the concern.
That is the problem most of us have, we know our own health, but we don't have the family history to see if there are any potential problems in our future that we need to be concerned about or prepare for (i.e. cancer, diabetes, etc.).
I get asked the "family history" question all of the time. I give the same answer, every time, "I don't have a family history".
It's fine when it just deals with me. The problem comes up when your own children are having a problem and there isn't a medical history to use to help diagnose the problem.