I was gonna post this in the
Need Help with Kid #8 Name thread, but I would like to be heard.
Originally Posted by bad jane
you do realize that your children will hate you right? i came from a family of four with similar names and believe me--we all hate it (and yes, that is present tense). i would have prefered to be named three, at least it would have been different from my siblings. (not that my name sounds all that bad, unless you happen to know my siblings. we are a tongue twister all on our own--please offer your kids my sympathy!)
This is what I have been thinking throughout that thread. I guess it's too late since they got 7 already, but DAMN. There is going to be a point in time, past the age of 2 where your kids are going to want to become individuals and having the same name as everyone else in the damn family will NOT HELP THAT. Save the replication for the middle names.
Also, if you're American, giving your kids a list of names more complicated than that Latina news reporter from "Married... With Children" (Props if you actually know who I am talking about) is equal torture. There is something to be said about creating NEW names (after all, if names didn't evolve, there would be a lot of kids around today named "Gaylord" who would be slashing their own throats right about now) but warping already existing names by swapping out a letter or two is like naming your kid in
L33t 5p34k.
Now, some of you may have names like all of this that I'm describing, and you may be damn proud of your name. That could be cognitive dissonance, or it could be genuine - I am not one to say. I am simply stating my opinion and I do feel like the majority of the "down to earth" non-hippy, non-yuppie population will agree with me.
If you name your kid BonBon Gerald Thomas, how the fuck are they ever going to grow up to be President?
In the end, I'd like to say that naming your kid should not be about you or your family pride. Naming your kid Apple or Moon Unit may be great if you're a disaffected celebrity with no sense of reality. Naming your kids all the same name may be great if you lived in an Orwellian society where names hardly meant shit. Giving your kids ten thousand middle names may be great if you want them to be a scavenger hunt list item later in life. If you're latin or hispanic, your daughter may have 50 names by the time she's 30, so don't bother. NAME YOUR KIDS LIKE YOU LOVE THEM, NOT LIKE THEY'RE PETS.
That is all.