Originally Posted by retsuki03
Also, I think the cause of this is somewhat economical. I think there are a disproportionate number of black children up for adoption than white children in relation to their populations size. That being said, because white children are more rare/scare, they have a higher value and more people want them. Some more research might reveal that black families adopting children choose black children more often than white or asian children. Would that also be racism?
Yes, that is evidence of racism. Not proof of racism, but evidence.
And no, it isn't lynch-mob level racism I'm talking about.
Originally Posted by Charlatan
I think Daswig's "sick" baby issue is relevant as well. While the reality is probably more along the lines that the majority of these babies are healthy, the White American perception would be that they are all crack babies... That would certainly smack of prejudice if it were true.
I wonder if a complete barrage of health tests on babies, before they are adopted, would be benefitial or detrimental in the long run?