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Old 03-01-2005, 07:46 AM   #49 (permalink)
Originally Posted by alicat
In Dec. hubby and I went to South Africa for his job for two weeks. I don't mean to offend anyone, but since this thread is about prejudice, I am going to say things about it from both sides of the Atlantic (this is from a U.S. perspective). This is by no means scientific and is mostly from hubbies perspective from working for two weeks at a S.A. company (and myself experiencing day to day life).

There seem to be 3 classes people fall into there. Afrikaans, colourd's, and niggers. I'm sorry for stating the last word but that is a fact there. Afrikaans are mostly white people and a few black that make up the "upper" class. Colourd's are black people that have one foot in the white world and one in the tribal (so to speak, this is all second hand through hubbies limited experience at one company, but dealing with all classes). "Niggers" refers to the tribal people, and they refer to themselves as that, as well as the Afrikaans and Colourd people do. I've posted before about my experiences there, but I feel like posting again for those of you who may not have read it.

In my experience, the so called "niggers" were in the most menial positions: cashiers, security guards, parking attendants, maids, etc.. One day, I had nowhere to go, so I went down to the dining room for breakfast to give the housekeepers time to do our room. I must have miscalculated the time needed as when I got back to our room the "maid" was only half-way done. I offered to leave and come back later but she insisted it was ok that I stay. I felt like a complete asshole as this poor woman literally got down on her knees and "swept" the entire room with a brush and a bucket of water. Hello? Had this hotel never heard of vacume cleaners? Even the cheapest fleabag motel in the US has vacumes for the housekeepers. This was a 3 star hotel which in my opinion (all else considered) should have been a 4 star. And the maids had to get down on their knees and brush the carpet. Obviously, human labor is cheaper there than buying a vacume per floor. I gave her a huge tip and cried once she left our room.

I know I might receive some angry reponses because of my forthcoming statements, but so be it. I wholeheatedly agree that the civil rights movement needed to happen. Unequality needs to be challenged and fought. But, the majority of black people living in America today were not slaves. Yes, their ancestors or (very, very, lucky to be still alive) older relatives might have been, but they were not. If even a fraction of black Americans were able to go to South Africa as I was lucky enough to, they quite possibly would not be complaining as much about what they have to deal with in the U.S. as far as racism or equality goes. Being there reminded me of what the U.S. may have been like 10 yrs. after the (legal) end of slavery.

Pay attention to that. Not the beginning of the civil rights movement, but the "end of slavery", therefore the late 1800's. Thats how far behind South Africa is in comparison to our country. Yes, hubbie and I laugh at "Timah" (Timmy) on South Park, even though it's making fun of a stereotype, but it is just a momentary chuckle and not representative of the way we deal with or judge people. Being in S.A., we didn't find anything to chuckle about. We loved the people (mostly the tribal people) and we left the country feeling mostly negative about the "white" people that we were forced to interact with through his job. Frankly, the white people disgusted and saddend us with their snobby attitudes and obvious prejudice against anyone who wasn't white (almost laughable given that white's are very much the minority there).

I'm going to refute a few of your opinions don't take this as an attack or anything as this is coming from a place of complete calm but just putting up a disclaimer since disagreements over beign stuff like this occurs often over the intraweb. So again I'm not mad at you just disagreeing slightly. Oh and also don't take me as some militant acolyte either. I'm probably a harsher critic of my race than any white person can be but I think I have a little more experience on the other side that many do not have. That said....

Both my grandmothers and several of my older aunts did minial labor like that up to and immediately after the civil rights movement so such racism isn't that long dead in this country. And while it might not be blatant it's far from dead and in many ways subtle unspoken racism is much more damaging in the long run. But to say the concerns of some people in America are invalid because of the plight of somebody else in another country isn't living in the reality of the situation. I can go find areas of the world where "white" people live that are well below the level that just about any "white" person in America lives but that doesn't invalidate the American's complaint or concerns about certain things.

We have to deal with these things based upon what's in OUR society and by no other yardstick. I don't care if the black people in England or Canada are supposedly less descriminated against. I don't care if the black people in South Africa are more oppressed. Call me an asshole but I only care about what goes on in the 50 nifty United States and if there are unfair things going on here then well I think it should be spoken against because societies can't progress if they are just looking at people in worse situations and saying "Hey see how bad they have it? You should be thankful for what you have." That not only goes for minorities but also you women folk as well.

How would you like it if say somebody during the women's sufferage movement said, "Hey I was just over in Egypt and they don't let their women out of the house!(Not that this is factual just making a point so all you Egyptoligst give me a little leeway). You women folk should be happy we even let you roam around in public."
See what I mean?
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