Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Let's back this up even further. What is the mentality of the woman that started all this shit, in the first place? Where does that type of behavior come from?
Split second thought after i read your question, I would say it had something to do with the victim being white.
Of course i don't know..She could just be the biggest bitch on earth and it was that time of month.
I couldn't really make out what she was screaming about except for all the "Fucks" & "Muthafucka"
She cut in front of him and he responded with a remark about it which could have been racial but i doubt it.. But i don't know. In my eyes when shit like this happens between white people & Black people, Alot of times in turns into a racial issue when in fact it has nothing to do with race, It has to do with the fact that she cut infront of him and whatever colour you are..You take your number and wait your turn.
From previous posts i read she said something along the lines of "Show this muthafucka with his white ass" That's enough of a racial comment by itself, I haven't seen anything posted on any remarks the white guy said..So he could have just as well mumbled something that was racist towards them which may have sparked the whole thing..