Ive been here a while now , just sort of reading mostly .Replied to a small minority of posts. Nobody probably even noticed little old me.
I dont think Ive done an intro , if I have then I apologise
I found this website at the end of last year , there is just so much to read and I got a little lost in it all. But Ive been reading a few posts lately about how if you dont post more then you might get dumped and left to wander the dark boring land of other less interesting forums so Im like
I better find my voice!!!
Which isnt easy for me cos Im a very introverted , low self esteemed sort of woman , yep! one of them.So speaking my mind isnt something I find easy .
But I dont want to get kicked off so I intend to dip my toes in the stream and hope people dont notice that I cant swim and push me under.
Be nice