When I'm out with friends/loved ones in public, I often think of what would I'd do if someone just came up and started attacking them like that. For instance, in that type of restaurant I'd be looking for a metal napkin dispenser. A strong blow to the temple or the bridge of the nose with the corner of one of those suckers would be a good deterrent.
But to be honest, I don't know what I'd do if I saw some random stranger getting beat like that--especially if I didn't see any events leading up to it. I doubt I'd notice some woman cutting ahead of the guy in line and thereby starting that whole mess. And if I just came across someone getting beat up by a huge black guy, I'd probably be disinclined to jump in because the cynical part of me would think "The idiot must've talked shit to that giant black guy, that's his own stupid fault." or "Hmm, guess that'll teach him not to pay for his crack on time."