Airports I like:
Pittsburgh: Great assortment of food and stores. Awesome place to have a layover. Not so good though if you fly in to Terminal E and have to go to the main terminal for your connection.
Manchester, NH: Nothing like a full service airport in a teeny-tiny living space. Easy in, Easy out, cheap parking and they have a McDonald's AND a Dunkin' Donuts.
Reagan International: Though the river approach is a bit surreal the first time you take it, the airport is a snap to get in and out of and easy to navigate through.
London City: Small airport, simple check in, nice lounge area. A pain in the ass to get to, but once you're there it's smooth sailing.
Airports I don't like so much:
Heathrow: So huge, kind of a pain in the ass to get around especially if you have to make a connection on the other side of the damn place, and the signs are horrible.
Chicago Midway: Fly into the middle of a neighborhood and navigate the labyrinth that is the terminal building. It's a great time!!
LaGuardia and Kennedy: Flight delays, last minute gate changes-to the other side of the airport, surly airline workers, these two have it all!
It was like that when I got here....I swear.