Originally Posted by Fire
the black company as a mini serries or tv show on sci fi
a Game of thrones as an epic by peter jackson
I'll wait until George is finished with Song of Fire and Ice before I start wishing for that one, though I'd Love to see what they would do wityh Gregor Seldane.
Black Company, On the other hand... Hmm.
Croaker - Bearing in mind that the first impression that people get of Croaker is Psychopath or Child Molester, and then thinking about the cover of "She is the Darkness", but bearing in mind that, at least at the beginning he is neither so old or so badass as he becomes later, one of the Sheen Boys. Probably Emilio, since he carries of crazy intensity a bit better. I could see Oliver Platt doing it justice, though.
Raven - Quiet, intense, and deeply frightening. Strangles his wife in public in the first scene - Chris Noth.
One Eye - Need a spry, older black man, slightly short, doesn't mind makeup or playing a witch doctor. That is a tall frickin order. To make it worse, you need a guy who could pass for his brother to play Tom Tom in the first act. I am stumped.
Goblin - Face Like a Frog, smallish, but very smart and cunning. Howzabout David Patrick Kelley.
Silent - Tough one. In 4 books he has one line, but he's always there. He should have a really menacing smile, and a certain grace. I think Michael Wincott (the head bad dude in The Crow) would do admirably.
Captain - The Captain is a greying bear. I'd go with Jerry Orbach if he were still around. Kris Kristofferson might be perfect, but he might be too long in the tooth.
Leiutenant doesn't have a lot of speaking parts, but is a no nonsense kind of guy. How he gets to be a sailor and a seige engineer, I have no clue, but that implies brains and flexibility, and yet a very by the book approach.
Shifter is as large a pro wrestler as can be found. He's going to be dubbed in any case. Same deal with Catcher - all that's required is someone who can make a full leather bodysuit look good, but not overact - with the voice changing every line and the mouth rarely visible, it'll have to be dubbed.
Howzabout Bruce Campbell as The Limper?
I'd like the Brunette from Sex and the City as Lady.