I fly all over the Midwest & to the Boston area in the Northeast. Here are my assessments:
Cincinnati (my hometown)/Northern Kentucky: It's OK as long as you're flying Delta. Fairly non-descript, but well laid-out.
Detroit (my former hometown) Metro: LOVE the new terminal! Haven't been over to the non-NorthWorst side in ages. I remember it being old, skanky and even more skanky. Hell of a way to treat passengers lucky enough to make it to Detroit.
Cleveland: HATE IT. I seem to only have the luck <?> to fly through Cleveland late at night, after everything I might want to frequent has closed. That sure makes an awfully long wait for that 1 hour connection.
Newark: I got very used to the Continental terminal. Never really LIKED it, but I got used to it. I did like the fact that there's a Staples in-terminal. Made buying a cellphone earpiece convenient, since every time I flew in, I seemed to have forgotten/lost mine.
La Guardia: Don't get me started. Ick. I flew through a few times during spring/summer & they seemed to delay or cancel at the drop of a hat.
Boston Logan: I'm there WAY too much. This is the kind of airport that makes me want to wash my hands BEFORE I go to the bathroom. At least I know where my equipment has been.
Atlanta Hartfield: I agree with previous posters that transferring planes can be a nightmare, especially with Delta's under-planned connect times! Thank God the last time I went through there my plane was LITERALLY right next-door.
Best food: Detroit, for the Japanese restaurant that's in-terminal. Newark comes in a close second for their extensive food court in the Continental terminal.
Worst food: Boston Logan's terminal C (Delta) ... there's NOTHING once you get past security, save a Sam Adams bar & Dunkin Donuts that both serve pre-packaged sammiches. Awful for when you find out last-minute that you didn't get the upgrade you were hoping for, and will either not eat until after 11pm, or have to go get a $9 sammich & drink.