Everyone's body is different. The old 220-age doesn't work if you are in shape. For example, I'm 40 and my max heart rate is 185 because I've been tested. That is better than that of a normal 30 year old based on the 220-age method. I only wish I was 30 with 48 year old experience. Ahem.... a heart rate monitor will help you figure this all out or you can get tested. In any event, a monitor really helps you work through your zone. Another good measure is how quickly you can drop 20-30 bpm after you've been at your anerobic thresh hold.
The more time yo spend in the 60-85% the more your body burns fat AND calories. However, it only burns glycogen above 85% and when that is used up, guess what....there's only muscle to burn. So, go over 85% to build your body to increase that thresh hold.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.