I think those people who stood around and watched that guy get beaten need to be charged with accessory to attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon. Fucking outrageous.
I know there are a lot of people in here who say "Would you really do anything?" I can, for a fact, say that yes, I would. I have never, in my entire life, backed down from a fight. Yes, I have had my ass beaten before, but that hasn't stop me. I would have been going at that mother fucker as hard as I could.
Originally Posted by Suave
Worst part about that is, if that dude was carrying, and shot his assailant, it would still turn out badly. White guy shoots unarmed black guy. Not going to look very good for him, whether or not he was truly justified in defending himself with it.
I remember, here in Colorado a few months back, a black couple got in an arguement with a white guy over something stupid (I think one party hit the other's car when opening their door). Well, the black male pulled out a length of pipe and hit the guy in the head with it. The guy produced his concealed carry, killed pipe boy and wounded the woman. He was let off the hook because he was defending his life.