Originally Posted by jonjon42
Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
I don't know who should play whom...but it would make an excellent movie..
Wow, dude. It would.
Maybe I just have the guy irrevocably connected to Palahniuk in my head, but I think Ed Norton would be a brilliant Tender Branson. You'd need somebody who could do fractured-but-smooth for Adam... Let's see... 15 years ago I'd have said Dennis Leary. Who's today's Dennis Leary?
Oh, wait... Tender and Adam are twins, aren't they? Okay, now we're in trouble. One actor who can do both roles... Geez. Hm. Val Kilmer's a little old for the part, but he could play it. Maybe Jude Law, with some really good dialect coaching.
I think most Palahniuk books would make good films, but you'd have to have a director/screenwriter who was willing to be as true to the essence of the thing as Fight Club was.
Diary would make a decent film. Choke would be okay, although it goes in a lot of different directions. Lullaby would be GREAT on film.