I know she shouldn't have gotten "all up in his grill" but he should have met her. When I watched it, it looked like he sort of met eyes with her and got into a yelling contest. He should have just shut the fuck up, or plead for his life. Either one would have been better than what he did. Actually, I think if I were him I would have pointed to the manager, but I think he ran off to the back lol. Like everyones been saying, you had about five good sized adult males in the place, who could have very easily came up from behind and put him into a choke hold or nail him in the balls. If I were there I would have been thinking, "MUST LOOK FOR A BLUNT OBJECT!" *sigh* whats the world coming to...
On a side note I would like to go ahead and make a prediction. Within 6 months their will be a picture or video of this with the word Pwned involved...thank you.
Last edited by Xiangsu; 02-28-2005 at 03:06 PM..