Originally Posted by guccilvr
I'll put my Muay Thai training to good use.
Good, I'm kind of in the mood for a little stir-fry. Anything, but pizza, eh?
I don't have the words to tell you how much I agree with you. The saddest thing about this is everybody just fucking stood there and watched this guy get his ass beat. Didn't even move to help even after the guy left the store, just stood in line like a bunch of fucking sheep.
I don't fight much myself, but I guarantee that I'm not going to stand around watch something like that happen.
I hope he gets his $20,000.
I hope that 'lady' gets what's coming to her as well. If there's any poetic justice in the world, she'll contract some disease or physical ailment that keeps her from opening her big fat fucking mouth ever again.
I hope that the 'grade A thug' gets a great big ol' bunkmate who's just broke up with his 'boyfriend.' I hope they become real good friends.
Rdr4ever is absolutely right. This guy should never be let out of his cage again. He's nothing more than a thug and thugs are about as worthless in my eyes as a big pile of steaming shit.