Originally Posted by pan6467
I truly have always wondered and this thread does allow the question..... if Canada is anti-war, why do they have the 3rd strongest navy?
I know this for a fact because a few PO1st's and Chiefs when I was in the US Navy, would say when they retired they were going to join the Canadian Navy as advisers. I thought at first it was a joke until a couple of them told me how the Canadian Navy was very strong.
Just wondering.
So I did a bit of research.
USA >>>>> Canada
UK, Russia >>> Canada
Japan, France > Canada
Germany ~ Canada
Egypt, NZ, Saudi, SK, Mexico, Argentina < Canada
Iran <<< Canada
One of USA's carriers displaces more than the 15 largest ships in the Canadian navy put together. Aircraft carriers are fooking huge man(tm).
The above information was based off quickly reading the 'surface combatant' tonnages.
4 of the above nations have an actual aircraft carrier: USA, UK, Russia and France (in that rough order).