Anyone else getting bored in here????
I was hoping that after the election, the bashing might end.
It seems the opposite has happened.
It seems to me, that in a majority of cases, if a thread doesn't start out bashing Bush and his admin, it spirals into a Busco bashing event. Seriously, I just browsed through all of the threads in the politics forum. I don't want to go through the brain damage of actually counting and coming up with exact percentages, but it is pretty obvious that a clear majority of threads fall into this pattern.
Do we have nothing else to talk about? Does anyone think that opinions are going to be influenced by this?
It also seems that accuracy of data and validity of references is becoming scarce around here as well. If I cite a reference, I try really hard and find references that support my opinion that you will accept. I am not going to insult your intelligence and try and sway your opinion by citing Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly--why insult my intelligence by doing it to me? If I won't accept your reference, you will have a very hard time making a point with me--and don't give me this "medium" crap or "shoot the messenger" shit--it's a bullshit excuse. Quality of references is always of paramount importance to a well substantiated argument--if your reference alienates your intended audience, you are just wasting everyone's time.
I will pose an example from my side: Remember the onslaught of liberal-bashing posts from wonderwench? It got annoying didn't it? The volume of her posts diluted any possible point she was trying to make, right?
Guess what? To some of you on the other side--your posts/comments are beginning to sound a lot like wonderwench. Any possible chance you had of making a point or swaying me or anyone on my side has been obliterated.
I find that, as days go by, there are fewer and fewer threads that I would become involved in. The endless arguing and the constant bashing has just gotten really, really old for me. I would actually like to discuss issues, not spend my time defending Bush, his admin or conservative principles--it gets to tiring and tedious after awhile.
There are cases where the discussion here is brilliant and very invigorating. It just seems that these kinds of discussions are getting fewer and far between.
What particularly grates on me is when a discussion is going well and someone has to send it spiralling by going on a bashing binge--particularly when the subject of the bashing has nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Some topics/issues here actually transcent one particular President or administration. Why denegrate the discussion by throwing it off course?
It is getting really bad in here, folks, and it is spreading. I was in the gaming forum here discussing online gaming and someone had to mention that stupid people who play online games voted for Bush. What's the friggin' point in that?
Am I being overly sensitive? Talking out of my ass? Full of shit? Clueless? Something else? All of the above?