Ok I'm getting ready to get really serious about getting into shape(already have the diet down,excercise 6 days a week for 40 minutes walking and jogging)but I am looking into getting a home gym so I can do some weight/resistance training. The gym is out because it's not that easy to fit into my schedule and I don't exactly have a ton of extra cash money laying about to make a gym membership feasible, besides I prefer working out alone and people at the gyms annoy me at times.
So here's what my requirements are...
Space is a premium as this will be out in a relatively crowded space enough to put a single machine in but not the large ones. Probably about 6 feet square is what I'm looking at just eyeballing it.
Money is a major issue. Anything over 350 bucks is out.
The best range of excercises allowable. Something that would allow me to equally work my chest,legs,back,and lats mainly.
I haven't lifted weight seriously since high school and needless to say I'm weak and as I said I prefer to work out alone so I need to have something that I'm able to workout with alone so if I'm benching or squating I won't need a spotter to keep the weight from drop on me as one likely won't be around all the time.
I was thinking about this thing called the Weider Max which is like a Bowflex ripoff but it's inexpensive,versitile, and looks relatively safe.
So what do you think?