Again, to illustrate by example, I have two TVs in the house (actually 4, but two are older, and are dedicated to PS2 and super nintendo respectively!!) one is hooked up to my Basic Plus cable service, the other upstairs in my bedroom has rabbit ears, plus VHS & DVD. the non cable one picks up the following stations usually quite well:
CBC - toronto
CTV - toronto
Global - toronto
CHCH - hamilton
CKVR - barrie
Omni - toronto
City - toronto
tv-Ontario - toronto
WGR - buffalo
wben - buffalo
pbs - buffalo
fox (49) buffalo
wkbw - buffalo
that's a lot of free tv. sometimes the reception is a bit fuzzy, but not bad for an old tv with no cable. all the american and canadian networks are represented.
On my basic plus cable ($40 & tax /month) i get all the stations up to MuchMoreMusic ( the canadian VH1 version) plus some french/aboriginal and pbs ones farther up the dial.
By the way, from what I've heard from my american friends, they much prefer the Much Music station here in toronto, to their MTV, as itplays a wider variety of and especially still includes music....