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Old 02-28-2005, 02:54 AM   #37 (permalink)
bad jane
Originally Posted by uptown
My point is that physical attraction is an important part of sex and a lot of men are not only not attracted to older women,they are actively physically repulsed by them and it's not even by concious response.You can love someone very much but no longer desire them physically and once physical desire is totally gone,well you're in much the same place as a beloved dog.
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and love is blind.

we all know people that we think are...well, ugly. sorry if being that blunt offends anyone, but it's true. we have all at some point, looked at another person and thought--wow, they are ugly! and meant it. sometimes these people are strangers so who knows what goes on in their bedrooms, but sometimes they are people we know.

now i know people that would be considered a 10 on the unattractive scale, but they are still managing to get laid. so either someone has decided that my idea of ugly is not the same as theirs or they've looked past it and found other reasons to find the person attractive. why would age spots be so much worse than moles or acne or birthmarks? why would wrinkles be so much more unattractive than fat rolls or people so thin you could count their ribs? why would grey hair be so much worse than any other color? why would breasts that sag due to age be any worse than breasts that sag due to size?

but what really concerns me most about saying sex should end when you no longer fit some unknown ideal (i've never had a hollywood body but i assure you i have had no trouble finding a bed partner!) is that there are reasons other than age that alter a persons appearance. burn victims? women who've had breasts removed? trauma from car accidents? the list could go on. should these women also give up on sex?

and if women should stop having sex when they can no longer have kids, i guess i should never have started! and i'm not alone, there are lots of women out there who can't have children. is it "wrong" for them to still enjoy sex?

as for who people gossip about around town--let 'em talk! how is being a cock hungry granny any worse than being a cock hungry twenty year old? do you really think gossips feel one is appropriate and not the other? hell no! they're just looking for someone to talk about and will take whatever comes their way. trust me, if the town gossip wants to discuss some flaw in you with others--the town gossip will find one whether you actually have it or not.
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