Originally Posted by f6twister
Nothing against Connecticut but I think I would be looking for verification myself as I don't believe they are high on the list for an alien landing or terrorist attack.
actually, they have one of the two drydocks on that coast capable of building nuclear-powered submarines. Electric boat Co. I believe has theirs, pretty much the only one other than the Newport News yard in Virginia that can manufacture 688-class fast attack subs and I can't remember which one produced
Ohio class ballistic missile subs. If we were to be in a full-scale war or anticipate being in one with any country thinking to launch a naval campaign, those shipyards are pretty vital for replacing/repairing damaged ships. Additionally, for saboteurs or terrrorists, there are ongoing construction programs in that shipyard that contain classified and highly developed technologies that take a lot of taxpayer money to maintain and manufacture. Causing kinks in that production chain would also be a lucrative target for individuals desiring strife.
Also located in Connecticut is the US Navy's nuclear submarine training center for officers and enlisted men. One of the major striking arms of our navy that is currently an unopposed ability to project force at will, and the officers, enlisted crewman and instructors at that school are also a viable target for terrorist activities.
just because things aren't exactly publicized as major installations of American military or civilian infrastructure doesn't mean they aren't there.