Originally Posted by Thom_Masters
95% of you are lying, giving conditioned responses.
What I don't understand is why? If you aren't going to be truthful about it, why post? He was looking for some honest opinions, not cookie cutter scripted responses.
I think different races are what makes the world go round. And no, I do not like to see different races mating.
It's bold of you to accuse the previous posters like that. No matter how much the idea bugs you, it doesn't necessarily bother other people.
I dated a girl out of my race (whatever my race is), and it's not only OK, it's interesting because you get to learn about your partner's background and culture.
It's rare that I see a black man with a woman of another race where I live, but when I do they get a silent applause in my mind for saying "nanny-nanny-boo-boo" to the taboo.