Originally Posted by maleficent
It's selfish because unless you are planning on vaporizing yourself and just going up in a puff of smoke... someone has to discover your body... someone has to live with that...
...and saying that his death is an inconvenience to you isn't selfish?
I can see why people say that you should think of your family and friends, etc... but if they want to hang onto your memory as though you'd not MEANT to die in the first place, and put blame on you for making them feel that way, then that's their beef, their selfish thoughts.
I'll be the first person to try and talk someone down, if only because sometimes the thoughts that preclude a suicide attempt are the result of a temporary chemical imbalance- a temporary insanity, if you will- and i'm always there to help if there's something to be helped... but in the end, it's
your life- you do with it what you want.