Originally Posted by roachboy
fair compensation in this context is a function of increasingly obsolete companies using an outmoded and unfair system of copyright law to fend off a future they cannot dominate. they wrap their arguments in ethical language, but there is nothing ethical about what they are doing. unless of course, you are of the persuasion that what exists is necessarily ethical because it exists, that what law inscribes as operational is necessarily ethical because it is legally instituted (like slavery, you know?--the position that what is legal and what is ethical are identical would have given none of us the space to oppose slavery even.)
like is said earlier, screw them, let these corporations drown.
This is GREAT. Now if you oppose fiilesharing, you're like those who approved of slavery.
Although after seeing how you and so many others feel entitled to the money of others, it's not surprising that you think you're entitled to the work of musicians and programmers as well.